Mike Harper Mike Harper

Customer Loyalty In 2021: Three Key Things You Need To Know

2020 was a year of huge changes, and this affected the relationship between retailer and consumer in various ways. But what have we learned about consumer loyalty that we can apply to 2021 to ensure a better experience for both parties? Here are three things to be aware of when it comes to customer loyalty in 2021.

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Mike Harper Mike Harper

Could Your Digital Wallet Prove You’ve Been Vaccinated?

The worldwide vaccination drive against COVID-19 is well underway and talk has turned to how the public can quickly and easily prove they’ve been vaccinated in order to travel freely and do certain activities, while keeping the public safe.

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Mike Harper Mike Harper

Universal mobile wallets are used by 60% of consumers worldwide

As more people realise the security benefits and convenience, digital transactions including mobile wallet payments are continuing to increase at a dramatic rate. According to research published by Experian, 60% of consumers are currently using a universal mobile wallet to make digital payments, while 38% believe their online activity will increase in the next 12 months. 

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Mike Harper Mike Harper

The shift to mobile wallets is moving at an incredible pace in the UK

COVID-19 has had a huge impact on retail when it comes to taking and making payments. People are becoming increasingly reluctant to use physical cash that has been handled by other people, and retail stores have a duty of care to their staff to make sure they aren’t put at risk by potentially-infected coins and notes.

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Mike Harper Mike Harper

What is a mobile wallet?

Think of a mobile wallet as the digital equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife for your business. It’s basically a wallet that exists on your mobile phone and does everything a real-life wallet does but digitally.

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Mike Harper Mike Harper

How Covid19 has changed the loyalty landscape

2020 has been a turbulent year for countless businesses due to the impact of COVID-19. It has been especially damaging for companies that base their trade around customer loyalty , such as the airline and travel industry.

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Mike Harper Mike Harper

The secret benefits of a mobile wallet for your business

A mobile wallet can deliver many advantages for your business, beyond simply providing a way to pay for goods and services. Here are some of the numerous benefits that every forward-thinking business owner can use to promote and support their brand

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Mike Harper Mike Harper

5 tips for retailers to create contactless loyalty

Contactless systems have become an essential part of modern life due to the coronavirus pandemic. Food delivery is now done using socially-distanced measures and curbside pickup is a way of life when it comes to collecting from retail outlets.

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Mike Harper Mike Harper

How to Use Offline Media to Interact With Customers Online

It’s a mistake to focus all your marketing energies online. When it comes to successful marketing, offline media can be an incredibly useful gateway to reach customers online. This is becoming ever-more important as time goes on as people make more purchases online and unprecedented events such as the coronavirus pandemic mean physical sales decrease temporarily, or even permanently.

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Mike Harper Mike Harper

Why Do Loyalty Systems Work?

Loyalty systems are a great way for businesses to maintain relationships with new and existing customers. They attract new business by offering incentives to make repeat purchases while ensuring existing customers feel important to your business - in turn making them more likely to encourage friends and family to check out your goods and services. 

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Mike Harper Mike Harper

The astonishing rise of the QR code during Covid-19

Right now, QR codes are everywhere. But it wasn’t always like this. Those black and white barcode-style squares have been around for a while - they were invented in 1994, rising slowly in popularity throughout the 2000s and early 2010s, before seeming to die out over the past couple of years - but were mostly regarded as a gimmick, as a way to transmit non-essential marketing information to the user.

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Mike Harper Mike Harper

Is your business ready to take advantage of a cashless society?

The coronavirus pandemic has greatly sped up the march towards a cashless society in Britain. In 2010, 58% of all payments in the UK were made with cash, but this has dropped dramatically, to less than 25% last year. And Covid-19 means this figure will be much, much less in 2020.

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Mike Harper Mike Harper

What is a digital Wallet Pass?

A wallet pass is a way of passing a digital card to your customers, using both online and offline advertisements, emails, and other methods. This card goes straight to their digital wallet, alongside your customers credit cards on both Apple and Android devices. This avoids ‘app fatigue’ where modern consumers are becoming increasingly unwilling to give over valuable space on their phone to a businesses app, as well as speeding up the entire process.

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