Why demand for apps is slowing down and digital wallets are the answer

When it comes to smartphones, apps are becoming less and less appealing to both users and developers. Most of us have a handful of tried and tested applications we use on a regular basis, but the idea of installing a new app is linked with a host of negative assumptions. 

Apps take up valuable real estate on our devices, often running background processes that use up precious amounts of processor speed and battery power. And developers are always keen to update their apps to take advantage of upgraded systems, which might leave an older smartphone struggling to cope - not ideal if you, like most people, prefer to not immediately update to the latest model. 

This is why using standalone apps to market your business can be a bad move. People are well aware that their phones can only cope with a certain number of apps before it starts to affect the usability, not to mention each home screen only has a certain amount of space and if your app isn’t on the main screen it’s highly unlikely to get used at all. Businesses are becoming less interested in producing them as the time and money spent on creating a workable app isn’t paying off as user numbers decrease. 

When it comes to supporting your business, a digital wallet works much better than a dedicated app. It’s native to the phone, meaning cumbersome programs don’t need to be installed and it can be transferred easily and quickly when customers decide to upgrade to a new device. Alternatively, when people are reinstalling apps to their new smartphone it’s all too tempting to leave off the most rarely-used apps, meaning the loss of access if they decide not to spend the time, storage and mobile data on an app they likely rarely use. 

A good digital wallet has a light footprint meaning users won’t object to having it on their smartphone, while still allowing you to market your business in a multitude of ways to suit your audience. Even better, it removes the need for costly and time-consuming app updates - all you need to do is focus on the best way to reach and appeal to the consumer. 

If you’re looking to streamline your marketing channels, then making the shift from apps to a native digital wallet is the sensible move. You can reach your customers in better ways, while offering a user-friendly experience that doesn’t negatively affect their smartphone device. This in turn, allows you to save money on development and upgrade costs which can be funnelled back into satisfying your customers. 


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